I have had a strange relationship with eggs all my life. On time when I was 2 yrs old my Grandma fed my 5 scrambled eggs in one sitting. My mother cut me off despite my babbles for more. A few years of decision-making later I cut all meat and most egg out of my diet. You see, I would not hold it against a food item if egg was one of its ingredients. Take cake or brownies for instance; I had no problem with their egg content. The bottom line for the last 25 yrs has been: if I can't taste egg, smell egg or see egg then all is "go" for consumption. I am not saying that this makes or made any sense.
Recently, when I was doing a year-end-review of my life I was like, 'heh, that whole egg rule doesn't make any sense. Weird. Why am I still doing this?...' And then I though, 'umm.. you're doing this because eggs are spongy and grotty.' Well the convo went on for a while and then I got bored and thought of something else.
ps. this is my first phone camera piece. It has an unique (read crappy) quality and yet I still like it.
A few weeks later, I saw this appetizing post by steak and potatoes, which then made me think of all the times my mouth has watered watching omelettes pass me by. Finally, last Sunday, I woke up, bought a six pack of organic eggs and, with the help of C, made my first omelette.
First I caramelized onions. Those were added to the beaten eggs, cream cheese and some thyme.
And then(!) I ate the partially naked egg.... and I liked them.