Why to believe in others
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Making things. Making things happen. Making it to things that are happening. ...............................................................................................................................................................
New for me at least. And some gratuitous cat shots. I've been trying to spruce up the joint. Its been fun. More photos here
Last Weeks Interestings recently posted about Lucky Me Mixtapes. Go download the podcast. Its funky.Speaking of funky, I am reading Kill All Your Darlings by Luc Sante. In a short story called I Thought I Heard Buddy Boldon Say, Sante describes how the word funky came to be popular - eventually leading to a type of music. Highly recommend. The way he uses words describes more than the words themselves or maybe its just his command of the language....
INT also posted about The Mixtape Club
The past year has been a little hectic, hence the lack of posts. I am currently doing some much needed recharging. There is so much that I want to talk to you about but we're going to take some baby steps. I recently went up near Montpelier, Vermont to visit a friend who is building a self-sustainable home. He has built an outhouse, revitalized an old cabin you'll see below, made gorgeous wooden lawn chairs, planted an orchard, preserved a bog.... you get the point. After my own year of balls-out work to rebrand a somewhat massive computer company(obvious not alone), this visit really put things in perspective. I don't really know what this means but I hope the impact will be significant.4 of us stayed in this wonderful little cabin
This last photo is sadly out of focus but I didn't feel like taking it again. These are various mosses and fungi I collected from the trip. They will nicely compliment the collection from my visit to Ashland, Oregon.
Biked around Boston with an old, dear friend this past weekRay and Maria Sata Center at MIT by Frank Gehry