Design Dopeness
Mark El-khatib might have been featured on Manystuff a while back. This is great and so is the Type-O!Thanks Master Chris
Making things. Making things happen. Making it to things that are happening. ...............................................................................................................................................................
Mark El-khatib might have been featured on Manystuff a while back. This is great and so is the Type-O!Thanks Master Chris
Juan Cabral is the Fallon creative behind the Sony Bravia adverts(view here) with the slow motion bounce-y balls in San Fransico and the colorful paint explosions.
He also did this piece for Cadbury. Watch it.
Thanks Hyun
Labels: advertising, animation, Genius, music
Jack Crossing is a design student at Bath Spa University. Very clever as well.
Thanks Informant Chris
Labels: Design
Jeannius recommend this delightful 1958 film with an equally delightful intro. My only qualm is that the cursive type is too difficult to read. Otherwise, its simply divine darling!
Labels: animation, film, typography
This piece was done in our office by our young project manager and designer. The object that the baby is emerging from is a lighting fixture that hangs from the ceiling . Excellent teamwork!
From YourDailyNews via Daye... well let me just quote part of the article here for you.
" In Alabama, you can sell guns on any street corner but you can't sell sex toys. That's right. Alabama is a vibrator-free state!"
Now as some of you know, I am a southern lady. I grew up right next door to Bama. And since I was a child I have always admired the state for its laissez faire approach to fireworks. Fireworks are celebratory, fun and relatively harmless... What gives, Bama?
Wiki reports on the first vibrators. "The electrically powered vibrator was invented by physician Kelsey Stinner in the 1880s to treat what was then called "congestion of the genitalia" and "female hysteria." For centuries, doctors had been treating women for these illnesses by performing what we would now recognize as masturbation. However, not only did they regard the "vulvular stimulation" required as having nothing to do with sex, but reportedly found it time-consuming and hard work.[1] -WIKIPEDIA"The secret of the ages has been discovered in Vibration. Great scientists tell us that we owe not only our health but even our life strength to this wonderful force. Vibration promotes life and vigour, strength and beauty. ... Vibrate Your Body and Make It Well. YOU Have No Right to Be Sick." -WIKIPEDIA
Labels: art, interesting
The other day S was toying with the idea of us singing our conversations. "Geeeenaaaaaa, howw arre youuu dooooiiiiing?" Had you asked me to predict my response two days prior, I would have simply said that I would chime right in. Generally speaking, I enjoy hamming it up for the amusement of others. AAaah but spontaneous singing dialogue is far more difficult. And so... here's to you, Pimpinela , the inspiration for S' thought and our future hair styles.
I have only one, long-standing, recurring fantasy. I am Jane of the Jungle, only with a good fitting pair of jeans and soft gray t-shirt. I walk around the jungle, eat bananas and make friends with everyone. Every evening I walk to the edge of a cliff overlooking water and more jungle. I take a deep breath. The camera pans out to reveal all of my jungle, animal friends around enjoying the view with me.
Which reminds me, Chris Bolton has some nice design work.
His films make me wish that every moment in my life was punctuated with song, dance and poised close-up shots. I watched Dames this past weekend. Dames.
Otherwise, I have only seen Gold Rush of 1935. In both films he turns awe-shucks attitudes and lighthearted clichés into abstract thought and geometric shapes.
Gold rush 1935.
My espadrilles. But I have only had them for a month. Its been a great month. I may love them more tattered. I will not stop wearing them until they fall off my feet.
work, play. play, work. The point is that I've got some things to do and need to detach myself from the blog for a week or so.
I will miss you.
Labels: Thoughts
My friend Drew(boy in the yellow shirt) did this performance with his band, Insane-O-Flex at a cool little bar in East Atlanta called The Earl. Amazing. Thanks for sharing, Drew.
First and frivolously, I am really hung over. I hope that purging this information with you will somehow take the swimminess in my head with it. Secondly and yet still subjectively, Björk's song entitled Sod Off was streaming through my head all day yesterday even though its been years since I have listened to it. If you're wondering, sod off is an expression defined at the urban dictionary meaning: Screw off, get lost, go away, shut up, stop bothering/talking to me
Labels: music
So I was at camping buddy's (feliz cumpleaños, guapisimo) apt. this past Tuesday and the Ric Burn's doc. on Andy Warhol was playing. Towards the end of the doc. Warhol's death and disaster series('62--'63) is discussed. Green Car Crash by Andy Warhol
I work in a open space on the 14th floor of the Starrett-Lehigh building (ahem, excuse their 90s flash intro).
Partial walls have been built so that there is a long corridor to pass through before arriving at the main area with our desks. These are the objects lining that narrow space. I really love this piece done,way before my time, for Pina Bausch.
ok.. things are going well with the plants. No casualties. Maintaining a healthy dark green. Left to right: basil, seet potato and chives.
Chives are underwhelming. Basil is impressive, I think. The sweet potato is fun. I am wondering if I should plants it in dirt now that it has a lot of roots.Left is a mystery plant. Right is Thyme.
So, I have been tagged which means that I have to reveal 8 facts about myself and tag 8 other bloggers.1. I am not a fan of strict rules. In fact, for better but most notably for worse, I see rules as suggestions. Something to aim towards, aaaahhh because failure is so tragic.
2. I have bad eye sight. Its a very complicated & annoying thing to have to explain to people, which I inevitably have to do at some point. For instance, a friend will be walking towards me a block away & I don't recognize them & when they get close they're all like, "I was smiling at you. You didn't see me?!", half laughing. From that point on, most of these people fall into two categories: Those who think I am spacey & those who think I am legally blind and can't 2 feet in front of me. Few escape these humorous positions & transcend into not really giving a shit what I see until I latch onto them in a dark theater. I love these people the most.
3. I have a matrimonial relationship with coffee.
4. I am obsessed with the idea of recycled / second hand / antique / saved / old objects of use & I don't know why.
5. I have a hard time sitting still.
6. The first song that evoked an emotion in me was Birthday by the Sugarcubes. I was fourteen. I managed to record 3/4 of the song onto cassette tape.
7. When I was 16, I knew I wanted to move to New York even though I had never been before. I thought I would have a bobbed hair cut, a 50's Formica kitchen table & my own apartment in the city. I actually have these things (used to have a bob, at least.) The fact here is that I think sometimes we do really get what we wish for. And it occurs to me that I should be a bit more thorough & specific in my wishing ;)
8. Kenny Roger's The Gambler are lyrics to live by. There is no advice really, just the suggestion to be aware of what you are doing. You gotta know when to hold 'em. Know when to fold 'em. Know when to walk away. Know when to run. You never count your money when you're sitting at the table. There'll be time enough for countin' when the dealin's done.
Thank you Kenny and thank you Joanna
Mr. Lee takes photos! Thanks Gideon
um that is a snake
So, in case you don't click on the link, someone attached a camera to their cat and voila!
Also this was on Reference Library and I really like it.