Aaaaah, Saturday. Last night some friends and I wished Peter bon voyage for his journey to teach in Japan. His is a good man that will be missed. I am looking forward to the stories he will have to tell. As you might imagine sending someone off who you will not see for some time involves a late night of drinking games, jokes and singing. So, this morning I woke at leisure. I managed to leave my phone at the party and haven't retrived it yet. A pleasant break from communicating.
Soooo, plant update(you'll notice a huge difference from the last):
Top image from left to right:bachelor buttons, tomato, snapdragon, forget-me-nots
Tomatoes are better than expected. I have already given two small pots of them away. I only photographed the big one but there is another of comparable size that is doing just fine. The snapdragon just now sprouted. I will have to re-pot them soon. The bachelor buttons are also doing pretty good. I can't really tell how these are going to unfold yet, but they seem to be getting there. Forget-me-nots...forget it. They are all but dead.
From left to right:zinnia and sweet basil
The zinnia are not plenty but the few are growing tall. Sweet basil is doing good. I don't want to get too excited about this one; keep your fingers crossed.
Onto the topic of pancakes; I love them.
I woke thinking that I wanted cheesy grits but when it came down to cooking time, pancakes won by a landslide. Occasionally I will add chocolate chips or top with bananas. Not in the mood for super sweet and, as always, having a bum banana dilemma, I opted for a pear topper. Now as most of you know I am a lifelong vegetarian with complicated relationship with eggs. I enjoy trying to cook eggs for family but couldn't eat a naked one to save my life. Even quiche and flan make me quiver at the thought of consumption.
Having said that, I relish baked goods and bread pudding. Don't ask me to make sense of this. The problem has plagued me for 25 years now and I don't care to investigate any further. But we all know ya gotta put an egg in your pancakes and so I do it. Today though, my egg freaked me out. It had a white thing in it. What is that? Needless to say, I didn't use this egg