Plant Update
So, last weekend I separated out, repotted and set up dowel for all of the tomato vines to climb up. Half of the transplants were successful. I am realizing now that I should have done all of this about a month ago. This weekend I finally got some tomato fertilizer and general plant fertilizer. The plants seem to respond to this almost immediately. To be honest, the last couple of weeks the plants, on a whole, haven't been doing well. They have can I say this.... There have been some causualties. I have learned a lot over the past couple of months. While I can't be sure what will survive or produce flowers and fruit, I know they look good right now. Oh, I ate the basil for the first time today with warm pasta, cherry tomatoes and motzarella and I was pleased.
From left to right: Basil, dead tomato and Forget-Me-NotsFrom left to right: Snapdragon and Zinnisa
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